Board of Directors & Officers

If you would like to contact any of the board members or officers via email, please visit our Contact Us page.

Deb Hyson, President

C. 349-0063

Chris Adams, Vice President

C. 349-4595

Stan Kimer, Treasurer

H. 919-787-3091

Frank Cotton, Secretary

C. 919-426-8201

Coleman Billingsley

H. 833-5386

Ben Kittner

C. 880-0665

Harry Rosenberg

C. 675-7144

Suzanne Goodman

C. 919-608-6082

Adam Ward

C. 910-617-2132

Ron Leedy

C. 919-418-8383

Gary Bowman

C. 607-727-4559

Gaston Williams

H. 781-7766

Mission & Purpose Statement

The Network is a non-profit corporation as defined by applicable North Carolina law and is not organized for the private gain of any person.

The specific goals of the Network shall be:

  1. To establish and nurture a network of business and professional resources;
  2. To encourage fellowship and support among businesses;
    professionals, and charitable pursuits;
  3. To provide and promote positive role models in the Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, and Transgender communities;
  4. To oppose prejudice in society at large and within the homosexual community on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, race, age, national origin, religion, physical or mental impairment, or political affiliation;
  5. To oppose the exploitation of anyone because of age, gender, or lack of power; and
  6. To foster communication, tolerance, and mutual support among gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people and accepting heterosexuals.
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